Keeping your employees healthy is just good business. Happy, healthy employees are more productive and perform better on the job. The welfare of your employees has a direct effect on your bottom line. An Employee Health and Wellness Program allows you to invest in something that is very likely to pay you back with lowered expenses in the form of a better-performing workforce, and lower absenteeism and health-care costs. You’ll also reap the reward of better job satisfaction, increased employee loyalty and a higher retention rate for your business. It’s a win-win proposition for you as an employer!

OCP Medical Center’s Employee Health and Wellness Program focuses on preventive health screenings divided into three categories:


Our Essential health screening package focuses on prevention, and covers all the basics such as a complete physical exam, an eye exam, a nutritional assessment, various lab tests, a chest x-ray, etc. We’ll follow up with a complete medical report with recommendations.


Our Premier package includes everything in the Essential package but provides additional comprehensive testing of lung function, HIV, cancer markers and more.


Elite is our high-end package that includes the same as our Premier package and adds a Full Abdominal and Pelvic Ultrasound to provide a complete and comprehensive medical overview on each employee.

We can also customize a one-of-a-kind program to fit your specific business’ requirements, if you prefer. All of our health screenings are conducted in private, discreet surroundings, ensuring optimal comfort and safety with a professional medical team.

If you’re interested in reaping the many benefits of an Employee Health and Wellness Program for your company and your employees, contact us today!

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OCP Medical Center

OCP Medical Center is the premier clinic for Aesthetics and Wellbeing. We always think from the patient’s perspective before thinking about us. We believe this makes us different. We focus to offer you the safest, most advanced treatments suitable to your requirements. Our medical team consists of highly experienced specialists, nurses and therapists, who all aim for one thing: safely achieving the best possible results for you.

Luxury clinic located at The Fairmont Hotel, Dubai

Highly experienced expert medical doctors & therapists

State-of-the-Art medical equipments for the best results