When we’re young, we take our hands for granted. We simply expect to be able to hold a pencil and write, grasp and pick things up, type, throw, etc. As is the case with so many things in life, we don’t realize how many everyday things we do with our hands until something goes wrong. Suddenly, simple, everyday tasks become difficult and painful.
Our tendons become worn, nerves are damaged. Diseases and syndromes we never heard of before are suddenly part of our daily lives — things like:
- Triggerfinger (a condition in which one of your fingers gets stuck in a bent position and is painful to straighten)
- Quervain’s Disease (a painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb that extend to the wrist)
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (a hand and arm condition caused by a pinched nerve in your wrist that leads to numbness, tingling and other symptoms)
- Dupuytren’s Disease or Contracture (a hand deformity that affects a layer of tissue beneath your palm resulting in one or more fingers being pulled into a permanently bent position)
- Ganglion Cyst (a soft tissue lump that occurs most often in joints around the fingers, hands or wrists)
and several other hand and wrist disorders involving nerves and tendons.
If you’re struggling with a hand or wrist problem, there’s no need to suffer any longer because we’ve got the best hand surgeons in Dubai ready to alleviate your pain and restore proper hand and wrist functions so that you can get on with your life without dealing with daily discomfort.
Dr. Siu Wu (Netherlands) is a Consultant Reconstructive Surgeon, and Dr. Ibo van der Haven (Netherlands) is a Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon at OCP Medical Center Dubai. They’re experts on all sorts of hand and wrist injuries and diseases including all of the conditions listed above plus:
- nerve repair
- tendon repair
- tendon transfers
- scar tissue contracture
- arthrosis of the fingers or hand (a degenerative disease of the joints)
Contact us today for a consultation and end months or years of suffering!
Call us on 04-3519933 or email to appointments@ocp.ae