After pregnancy, a woman’s body can feel like a foreign object, she has put herself on loan for almost a year and may barely recognize the changes and transformations to her body after the baby is born. The labia minora can stretch or tear during childbirth, and may appear larger as the labia majora returns to its former size. A labiaplasty also commonly referred to as a labia reduction, or labia and vulvar rejuvenation, is a procedure that decreases the size and improves the overall appearance of an enlarged, hypertrophic, or asymmetrical labia minora.

An enlarged labia often results in feminine discomfort in clothing, during sexual intercourse, or during common daily activities, and can increase the occurrence of yeast infection. Many women experience a decrease in sexual desire as a result of their own physical appearance, and the changes that have come along with having children. Feeling sexy is a fundamental factor in having a great, and healthy sex life. Women who don’t feel good about themselves, their body, or appearance find it difficult to enjoy sex. Being self-conscious about the size or length of the labia may hold women back from sexual intercourse, affecting their partner, and ultimately affecting their marriage.

According to Dr. Norman Rowe, a Manhattan board certified plastic surgeon, “Vaginal rejuvenation is one of the fastest growing procedures out there. I don’t see any stopping it. Vaginal rejuvenation – which can also include vaginal tightening, perineoplasty, injections to increase the size and sensitivity of the g-spot, to reduction of the clitoral hood. In 2013 there was a 44% increase in Labiaplasty procedures, making it the second fastest growing plastic surgery that year.”

The Benefits of a Labiaplasty Procedure:

  • Increased Comfort,
  • Improved Appearance,
  • Increased Self-Confidence, and
  • Improved Sexual Desire and Performance.

If you or your partner have considered labiaplasty please contact us to learn more, or to schedule a medical consultation today.

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